
Special Programmes
Student Analysis Program
In our school we follow STUDENT ANALYSIS PROGRAM called as SAP. In this program teachers can provide feedback that helps student and parents to understand their strength and weakness and also to identify specific areas of improvement.
Assembly Initiative Programme
School assemblies are important for students and teachers, so at NBIS we have induced an innovative way of learning during school assembly that is AIL- ASSEMBLY INITIATIVE LEARNING. Where students get a huge platform to build stage courage, showcase their talent and develop their personality
Center Of Maths
The Centre of math are uniquely designed and quite popular among the students of all grades and it is a successful strategy to keep the students engaged. It is smoothly executed by teachers. This method reinforces cognitive knowledge especially for mathematical and scientific concepts and vocabulary.
Center Of Science
The Centre of science are uniquely designed and quite popular among the students of all grades and it is a successful strategy to keep the students engaged. It is smoothly executed by teachers. This method reinforces cognitive knowledge especially for mathematical and scientific concepts and vocabulary.
NSP- Non Scholastic Program
NON SCHOLASTIC PROGRAME is one of our peculiar elements where the students engage with nonacademic pursuits is not only that we knew these activities as equally important to academic studies. We encourage participation of students. Some of the NSP activities conducted are memory games, debates, music, talent shows, cookery, etc. which helps students to develop and exhibit their academic and non-academic abilities.
Extra Curricular activities
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: NBIS believes that education should make children aware of the world and themselves. Students are taken outside the classrooms whether on a nature’s trail or a visit to a small industry. Children gain more knowledge through field trips, outdoor and indoor activities.
Open House
This program was built with a vision to increase the self-esteem of students, personality development. The students are engaged in different activities, watching videos on the given topic and solve fun filled worksheet during this program.
Smart Class Programme
It’s the program where the teachers relegate to their role of resource or material providers where students learn to gather concepts, construct knowledge and draw inferences through modern educational technology. Like smart boards, language lab.
Sustainable Development Program
The SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION is introduced to re-orient education and learning, so that every student has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, value and attitude that empowers them to contribute to a sustainable future. Many activities like Diya decorating, cloth painting….etc are conducted under this program.
AOP - All Olympia Program
ALL OLYMPIA PROGRAME was introduced with a vision of to make learning and educate a holistic experience beyond classroom academics.
Our Facilities
Institution gives special coaching in cricket, football, hockey , basketball , athletics. Chess, carom and table tennis are a few pastimes available for students who want to keep off outdoor activities.
Out Door Trip
Out Door trips are organized to take learning beyond the school environment. Trips are conducted regular intervals for the students to gardens, museums or study sites in and around Bangalore to make learning a fulfilling experience.
"Sambrama", The Annual day function at NBIS is an expression of creativity and imagination portrayed by our students.

Day to hold our head high and salute our State, Karnataka. Kannada Rajyotsavawas celebrated with great pomp and show.
Green Day
Green day is celebrated in an instructive way where the child learnt about the importance of green colour and the positive effects it has on our lives.
Investiture Ceremony
The Investiture Ceremony is a prestigious event in NBIS calendar wherein we formally entrusts responsibilities on the 'young leaders' to discharge their duties honestly, sincerely and to the best of their ability.
Graduation Day
Graduation day is always a day of rejoicing as it signifies the culmination of many years of hard work in the relentless pursuit of knowledge.
Why parents choose us
Our Stats
Years of Experience
Qualified Teachers
Happy Children
Total Activities
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