Indian Certificate of Secondary Education-ICSE
New Baldwin ICSE School is a separate entity, with its own campus having world class facilities and resources. ICSE (Indian Certificate for Secondary Education)/ ISC (Indian School Certificate) is an insignia of quality education and is revered by those who revere education. New Baldwin strives to impart wisdom and become an epitome of ideal education.
What is unique about New Baldwin ICSE School?
New Baldwin aims to utilize and take full advantage of the ICSE/ ISC curriculum, by ensuring that pupils get the full range of subjects to choose from its unmatched infrastructure, facilities and service towards learning are deemed to make it the best amongst other international schools in Bangalore city. New Baldwin has a broad vision to make the best out of the talents that students have and nurture them for the service of human race.
Group 1
Subjects belonging to this group are compulsory. These include English, History, Civics & Geography and Indian Language.
Group 2
Group 2 includes any two subjects ranging from Mathematics, Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Agricultural Science, Commercial Studies, Technical Drawing, A Modern Foreign Language, A Classical language, and Economics.
Group 3
includes any one subject from Computer Applications, Economic Applications, Commercial Applications, Art, Performing Arts, Home Science, Cookery, Fashion Designing, Physical Education, Technical Drawing Applications, Yoga and Environmental Applications.
Language options
New Baldwin gives its students, interesting options in languages to choose from Kannada, Hindi, or French respectively. These form 2nd and 3rd language respectively.
Co-Scholastic activities
In order to ensure all-round development of its students and to make them smarter, New Baldwin imparts the provision of co-curricular activities that it considers equally important as academics. These include activities like Art/Craft, Music, Computers, Martial Arts, Library, Physical Education, SUPW, and Enrichment.
Why choose New Baldwin ICSE School, Bangalore
New Baldwin ranks amongst the best International Schools in India and has proven itself as an unmatched life trainer for young minds. It gives every opportunity that a child deserves and merges all aspects of life to make better people out of the young minds. It believes that education is the most powerful tool to enlighten the society which New Baldwin perceives on a global scale.