Child Safety
Child Safety
- We have 60 CCTV (Digital) cameras installed in the school campus which ensures safety in school for children.
- Our each bus has fire extinguisher, first aid box and fitted with GPRS and Seat belt.
- CBV (criminal background verification) check has been done for all teaching and Non teaching staff.
- All class room doors locks are disabled from the inside.
- No Mobile phones access in school hours by students.
- All the classrooms in school have smoke detectors and fire alarms.
- Mock fire alarm drill conducted at school every quarter.
- Internet and wi fi are fire walled (no access to social media and personal mails etc.)
- Rooms not in use are locked at all times.
- Comprehensive accidental cover for staff and students in case of any accidents in the school campus.

- We also have full time psychological counsellor in school.
- Clear and see through glass on each class room door for visibility.
- All staff and support staff are on company role they are to follow company disciplinary policies.
- All New Baldwin Buses have seat belts and fire extinguishers, Speed Governors and first aid boxes for the safety of all children.
- We have also implemented child protection policy and complaint redressal policy.